DNA Painter File

DMT optionally can produce files that can be input into Jonny Perl's DNA Painter website.
The file DMT creates is a comma delimited file with the name:  DMT_nnnnnn_dnapainter.csv
where nnnnnn identifies the person (for a combine all run) or the two people (for a compare files run).
If you open the file in Excel or a text editor, you can see the contents:
Columns A (Chr), B (Start), C (End) and I (Side) contain the chromosome, start position and end position of each segment as well as the parental side of the segment (paternal or maternal)
Column F (Match) identifies the DMT run this data is from. It is the same in every line.
Column H (Group) contains the ancestral group for that segment, using DMT's notation (F=father, M=mother). This will be used as the DNA Painter group. You'll notice that all segments on the paternal side will have its group start with F and all on the maternal side will have its group start with M.
Only segments with ancestral paths of at least two generations (to the grandparents) will be included. There is really no need to include segments only known to be F or to be M because you already know the whole paternal chromosome is F and the whole maternal chromosome is M.
Column K (Colour) will be displayed in DNA Painter as the same grandparent colors used in DMT, with different shades of those colors used to give additional differentiation right up to the 4th generation, giving 16 possible different colors.
The cM, SNPs, Conf and Notes fields are not known by DMT and are not filled in.

Loading the file into DNA Painter

1. Either create a new profile in DMT, or open one of your existing profiles if you want to add to it.
2. Click on the gear and select the Action:  "Import segment data"
3. On DNA Painter's import screen, use the "Choose File" button to locate the DMT dnapainter.csv file to upload. You can leave DNA Painters' cM settings as they are.
4. Press the "Import this File" button.
5. Congrats. You've done it. Here is an example of what the above file gives in DNA Painter: